A secretive order of Ishgardian mages that open their doors once a moon to those who seek knowledge of curses, hexes, death, and the terrifying future.Don your mask and assume an alias before joining us for a night of occult themed RP.

| The Fourth Saturday of Every Month | 9 PM EST - 1 AM EST |
| Dynamis Data Center | Golem | Empyreum | Ward 16 | Plot 48 |


.  RULE ONE  .  All order members and guests must be 21+ both ICly and OOCly. If a player is found to have misrepresented their age they will be immediately removed from the discord and will no longer be welcome at in-game events..  RULE TWO  .  It is our goal to make The Order a welcoming space for all who love ‘Weird Little Dudes’. Which means that all guests must be respectful to those around them. We will not tolerate slurs, hate speech, racism, sexism, or any form of harassment. Just don’t be an ass..  RULE THREE   .  We ask that you keep discussions of more controversial topics to your personal and private spaces. If a conversation becomes heated and you are asked to drop it, we expect you to do so immediately..  RULE FOUR   .The Order is an LGBTQ+ owned venue and an open and accepting space for all members of the community. Homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia will not be tolerated.

.  RULE FIVE   .  While the venue and discord server are 21+ and the SFW areas may feature cursing, references to drinking and drugs, or the passing mention of sex, we ask that you keep anything more significant than that in the labeled NSFW channels. Do not post the following content in NSFW channels for any reason: graphic depictions of assault/abuse, anything that would suggest or imply a lack of consent (consensual non-consent is included in this), and underage individuals..  RULE SIX  .  This is not an ERP venue. Please do not attempt to ERP in the server or in the venue. If you find that your RP is drifting in that direction, we ask that you please take that to a private space so as to not cause any discomfort to those who do not wish to engage with it..  RULE SEVEN  . While we all love our IC drama, we prefer that OOC drama be left at the door. Please attempt to settle any OOC issues in DMs before involving a member of staff. Please do not bring drama into public discord channels or into IC spaces.


.  ROOK  .
Age: 39
Gender / Pronouns:
Male, he/him
Areas of Occult Expertise: Vivamancy, Curses, Enchantment, Thaumaturgy, Ritual Magicks

.  ALIAS  .
Gender / Pronouns:
Areas of Occult Expertise:

.  ALIAS  .
Gender / Pronouns:
Areas of Occult Expertise:

.  ALIAS  .
Gender / Pronouns:
Areas of Occult Expertise:

.  ALIAS  .
Gender / Pronouns:
Areas of Occult Expertise:

.  ALIAS  .
Gender / Pronouns:
Areas of Occult Expertise:

.  ALIAS  .
Gender / Pronouns:
Areas of Occult Expertise:

.  ALIAS  .
Gender / Pronouns:
Areas of Occult Expertise:

.  ALIAS  .
Gender / Pronouns:
Areas of Occult Expertise:


Rumors of the reclusive Order of Saint Gabineaux have circulated throughout Ishgard for what seems like centuries. Some claim it to be fictitious, while others swear that they have had family among its ranks. While many of the whispers are different, one thing remains the same: the mages and mystics of the order are powerful, well-connected, and lack scruples. It matters not if you wish to hex your enemy or have a curse broken, there is surely a brother of the order who can assist. Assuming you are willing to make deals with devils.The Order of Saint Gabineaux opens its door once a moon to outsiders. Invitations arrive without a return address, delivered to those who have caught the interest of the High Priest. Masks are required for entry and aliases are encouraged. Come to gawp, find answers to all of your burning questions, or to seek out the brother's esoteric skills. It matters not what brings you to The Order's door, for when you leave you will not be able to find it again. Until next moon.

The Order of Saint Gabineaux is both an RP community and a heavy RP venue focused on an ancient fraternal order of mages within Ishgard. The Order blends the use of powerful magics that the church might find heretical with the worship of the Fury. They believe that such skills are gifts sent from Halone, and said gifts are meant to be nurtured rather than stifled. After all, they are the most pious and the most devout. How could they be heretical?Brothers of the order are chosen for their unique and esoteric magical skills, their devotion to the Fury, and their positions in society. Not all members have hailed from the nobility, however. The Order includes those from all walks of life, and in recent years, even the occasional outsider, assuming they revere Halone.Those who are interested in membership should strive to attract the attention of a brother so that he may vouch before the High Priest. More information can be found in our Discord.

.  FAQ:  .Are The Order's events invitation only?
ICly, yes. OOCly, no. If you want to come then your character has been invited. The invitation simply showed up in their path looking mysterious and ominous.
Is there a dress code?
Yes. All order events are masked for as much anonymity as that can provide. Cocktail attire is also suggested, but not at all required. The crowd is likely to be quite eclectic. So, beyond masks all we ask is that your character is clothed.
Who is Saint Gabineaux?
Ask a brother and see what he says.
Is The Order a criminal organization?
Not exactly. Most members of The Order are, at the very least, morally grey. Some might participate in criminal behaviors where others do not. It depends on the brother in question. The venue itself is not criminally aligned, but is largely morally grey and members will tend to turn a blind eye to criminal activities discussed by guests.
Is The Order manor hidden?
Yes. An invitation allows the character (and any guests they bring with them) to locate the manor on the night of the event. Frequent visitors will note that it never seems to be in the same location and if they attempt to go back after they won't be able to find it. Either they will get lost or it just won't be there. That said, OOCly, the venue is always in the same place.